Wednesday 13 January 2016

You could hide a drop. How could you hide an ocean? Sometimes all you can do is just give up.
You could walk all the miles alone. You could offer a hand but it is will  that  holds.
You could be whole. How could you present yourself in bits? The blind heart can never see. Bits or does it matter?

Monday 4 January 2016

Medals of pride

Garlands of gunshots on brave hearts
Not they wished for.
They did, for their fellow men's breath
To smell the fragrance of life,
Burning like fireflies,
For keeping the fire of warmth to light up many a home.
Cries of their beloved and little tender hearts they buried within,
And walked away to find their graves,
Without a waning wink from the nation's pride.
Threats of thundering wrath break bones, but not the springing spirit of the soul struck soldier
Triggering thirst of power the devil moves
Mightier is the mind of the men in uniform
Dare they let them reign
Pouring out pain in their hoping homes
They pour in hope into frightened souls.
Shame if our lips, their names in pride if we don't  mutter
For lives they serve their countrymen on a platter.
Jai hind!