Thursday 4 May 2017


Batting eyelids open up blinking eyes at the battle within
Silent screams sans swords beckon peace
At the hour of dusk
The dusk, often a dawn of novel hopes
Scars unseen pregnant with pacifying potions
Nowhere to seek anymore for an unleash of pain
For fathomless calm they have begotten
And words weaned from speech.
Know not you this womb I behold
Pleasurable pressure or an overwhelm bubble likewise
The walk still is on the trail where I began.

Tuesday 25 April 2017


With the whisk of winds, flowers they sway
Tense go the tides and waves hit the bay
Soft tendrils spring out of buried carcasses
Ecstasy fringing fragrances born out of burnt ashes
A whiff of breath on the flute
To mellow and to the music, hearts move
Plummeting into life and passion with just a little touch,
Is this motivation or is it just that much?

Sunday 16 April 2017

The (un) known

When the sudden shiver strikes
And tears gush out like a wild flood,
Merciless unknowingly and merges with the drain as I stand beside the river.

Beholding crumbling faith  to hold a failing heart,
Threats of hope arrive in great valour
To bring down the broken?
Or to burn them away?

A tender smile I try as I quiver
Ways have made me wander with you, I said.
Palace or a dead plateau, the magical or the mundane,
You still follow.
Mulling over your might, innocuous yet
I still swim, drowned not, while fighting for whiffs of breath.

Pace of grace you seem to move me in
Despite your soft treachery
Wonder if my wrath is wrapped up in your invisible lap,
Staying yet not slaying.

Kindness flashes like a kaleidoscopic peep
The light that soaks me up yet sucks me in
Delighting at every sting of my own venom?
Pain you maybe but poised I keep
The foe you are and the friend you become.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Dear earth

I closed my eyes to see a world unseen
Paradise it felt or that's how it's always been.
My mouth fell open at the wondrous sight,
When the sun gleamed in all its might.
As my head took a turn
I glanced upon the regal Saturn.
Still a sight with a lot of sand scars,
I am talking about Mars.
Shaken away widely from my focus
Came along the awesomely bright Venus.
Stopping my gaze for something even better with a jitter,
Appeared the enormous Jupiter.
Just as I started feeling in tune,
To add more smiles came along Neptune.
As if it wasn't enough feeling like Columbus,
Beamed the beautiful Uranus.
Oh! What hosts these big things were!
Never was there a moment not to stare.
Happier like never before, I stepped back to see
Something amiss to add to my glee
The charms of sand and snow and the morning glow
The teasing wind and the long nice mile, yes, I know.
My planet, my earth, my home, my mirth.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Effervescence thy name is woman

 It's women's day! Voila! So? Why such a hue and cry about it? Why should you even celebrate? Well, you deserve to celebrate yourself every moment and not just get glorified for a day and be over with it. The mettle you are is nowhere close to anyone's imagination. The multitasker in you flashes in amusing metamorphism that it gets worthier than even the most fabulous animation movie.

Why would you care if someone doesn't care about giving you that well deserved pat on your shoulder? You are the pat that everyone yearns for but shy away from admitting it.

The world is sweetly smitten by your effervescent presence that they freeze and hence fail to acknowledge. Now, isn't that your magic wand? You don't need to turn to those fairy godmothers to reach you to some prince charming. It's time you turn around charms into unfathomable depth that you easily dive into and come out as an epitome of grace.
Weapons are not for you because you are one. You behold entirety with absolute ease and you bow down graciously like a bamboo arches subtly yet never breaks.

 You are not just a creation but a connoisseur of the cosmos. You don't deserve celebration but celebration deserves you. Go girl. Live your life. Your world waits. 

Saturday 4 February 2017

A piece of me, a peaceful me

So, what new stuff am I going to be hauling that nobody else has, with respect to human struggles? Well, it's all about that one missing piece that is conveniently invisible. We all end up braving like hunters amidst dense vegetation that hardly allows a blink of clear sight.
I have so often questioned the universe besides myself about the reasons for the constant emotional pits that I keep tripping into as though it was a habit, until I just decided to stop climbing once. I simply lay there and decided to experience the dark. I seemed to choke in imaginary horror that most often wrenched my heart.
Days passed and I delighted at the fact that I survived but I wanted to feel alive. The pit was still my world. Bathing myself in hymns of divine glory, I didn't scream looking up.
A little glow worm warmly sat on my nose tip and I could see the light show casing something that appeared as an incredible craft to be witnessed soon. So it did and it wasn't a pit anymore but a wonder to look into and many wishfully wanted to glow in the glimpse. When asked about how, I simply responded with my missing piece that sculpted this and what was that anyway?
Well, you need to clearly break to know the missing piece and once you do, you will see your ' peaceful me' .

Friday 3 February 2017

Jallikattu - the southern punch

The roars on jallikattu have silenced but the tremors are once again shaking the trust of people who held some solace that the sport would be retained and celebrated with the supreme court questioning it once again.

Why does India face such anguish every time? Is this silent strength constantly undergoing different screen tests with opportunities being created for confusion? Earlier it was about people and now it's our cattle.

Portraying the words of the great spiritual master Sadhguru, we celebrate our culture and our cows and bulls are not just agricultural support systems but a farmer's friend in the truest sense, family to make it sound more precise. No other country has shown respect and regards to the cows like India has.

Tamilnadu has been boasting of jallikattu for donkeys years and they have gone to prove the playful spirit they share with these cows that are gifts of livelyhood to them. The youth get to see their valorous side because of them. These cows help the youth retain their vitality and instill a certain strong self discipline in them.

Moreover, this sport has never spoken a history of the animals being tortured or killed and only humans have been victims of mishaps during the play. It's a sorry face for Indians to make when we say that we are the largest exporters of beef.

Why don't we turn all our attention and energies to that rather than aiming at  pinning down or rooting out an age old tradition of people that involves a lot of sentiments and the security of our cattle. We certainly need to sleep on this thought. Our traditions and culture form the raiment of our motherland and we will not let some damn unjustified statement to seize that. It is our responsibility to stand up for jallikattu because it's the question of our motherland's dignity.

Let's direct these screams of plight to the moans and groans of dying cattle at slaughter houses that we seem to be deaf to.