Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Effervescence thy name is woman

 It's women's day! Voila! So? Why such a hue and cry about it? Why should you even celebrate? Well, you deserve to celebrate yourself every moment and not just get glorified for a day and be over with it. The mettle you are is nowhere close to anyone's imagination. The multitasker in you flashes in amusing metamorphism that it gets worthier than even the most fabulous animation movie.

Why would you care if someone doesn't care about giving you that well deserved pat on your shoulder? You are the pat that everyone yearns for but shy away from admitting it.

The world is sweetly smitten by your effervescent presence that they freeze and hence fail to acknowledge. Now, isn't that your magic wand? You don't need to turn to those fairy godmothers to reach you to some prince charming. It's time you turn around charms into unfathomable depth that you easily dive into and come out as an epitome of grace.
Weapons are not for you because you are one. You behold entirety with absolute ease and you bow down graciously like a bamboo arches subtly yet never breaks.

 You are not just a creation but a connoisseur of the cosmos. You don't deserve celebration but celebration deserves you. Go girl. Live your life. Your world waits. 

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