Tuesday 12 May 2015

Strength - Strictly singular

"Stay strong, no matter what." "you are such a strong person." "Ah..this is not expected of you. You are so strong" ..and so on.. The striking similarity among all these dialogues is the singularity that's called strength, so confined to just a single person- YOU. Sometimes to such a frustrating extent that it seems so fair to the world and its people that the strong ones deserve pain just because they are the choicest ones to be choice less.

The smiles that shine the brightest are the ones that have embraced pain not because they were so ready to openly invite it, but simply that's the wisest way to handle it when imposed upon by it. These people make the finest examples possible for forlorn souls. Actually, the fact being that they almost equal the feelings of the models posing for some classic paintings. How great is that? Undoubtedly, they display an array of arched brows, but that's not it.

There is this humble thirst for easiness. To just be a plain Jane that could laugh around singing in the rain, to gaze at the stars with no propelling heaviness of thoughts in the mind or to just curve around fingers in the sand and smiling at the illusionary creations.

The strong person's heightened sensitivity is often misjudged and manipulated enough to push them to limits they are totally unaware of, when they actually want to be pulled back in love and care. And that's how they end up showing up as some superhuman enormity that gets away with inspired sighs of aweness. So unreachable! Trust me. That's not a nice feeling at all.

Sometimes when this strength is drawn after being drained out of total genuineness, it hits so much that laughter is the only best option to counter react with. The tears that operate backstage is known only to the few that stand watching upon these "strong" people.

The next time you see a shining smile that can almost blurr your eyes, just remember there is a thunderstorm being survived and hopes dying to be met. Turn around to the ones who really care for you and assure they have warm smiles from your loving hugs and words of care and not the super shiny ones born of tiring pain. The strength which then witnessed will be the unadulterated kind that can never be toxic. The singular stands tall when it finds its plural in love and respect.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

A birthday wish..

The first exchange of smiles
And the warm welcome of words,
I thought would probably be the last sweet farewell.
A cute blush you did brush on my heart with that perky smile.
Until one day, you brought it to a shine
The glimmer has not dipped as the warmth just rose
Like the instant upsurge of the tide as the full moon sighs
We are walkers of this clan,
Sharing pride and fears of the known and unknown.
Until when, neither you know nor I
As those long locks of yours leash the wind
And deep eyes open sights familiar to mine
Every step you have climbed
Has its story to scream
As I listen through your ways
It makes me stop you for a bit to say
And what better day than today
Humble as honey and reigning like a bee
May you be the sweetness to spread
Within your life and without
So much so that the divine can't resist
your wishes to fulfill as you simply insist.