Hey there,
It's been a while since I have simply talked to you. People pray so much to you. You must be kind of sick listening to them 24/7, right? Know what, I used to only talk to you or simply wanting to experience your existence. Somehow down the line, while we were supposedly walking together, you seem to have kind of vanished. Busy with many folks you must be. You put me with other people in your own silent style and I went on. Your beautiful creations were constant reminders of your classy taste and passion. I smiled.
You had poured into me the nectar of love and care when you passed me on to my moms womb. I grew on it and with it fortunately. You certainly didn't like it when I kept it to myself. Some relished it, most of them, I guess, but it turned some hearts cold, much to my surprise. Why does the giver feel the numbness at such times? You never prepared me for that. Let me tell you, its not easy at all. I tried to get in touch with you so much through tear mails and silence messages. You seemed to be unresponsive just like the cold hearts.
I wonder why. Is it because you are angry with me? I am not super powerful like you..OK? But you don't have to shove in your ego at me either. :-(.
I agree the damn terrorists were hanging around in all territories. All I did was use your secret weapon even at them. They did not fight. They ran away. I did mail my prayers then. I did receive acknowledgement reports. The numbness keeps hitting and hurting. You seem to be just like " there's nothing I have to do about it" types. Hey, correct me if I am wrong. Where the heck are you now? This hide and seek game is getting harder coz my heart is turning colder. Are you listening?
It's your super power that can do what's got to be done else you are going to be troubled..;-) sweet threats.. Ah..you have seen millions of them.
This is my call in a long while and its on the answering machine. Hope you listen to me now because if the nectar turns hard and sour, I might not be able to do all this again.
You are about joy isn't it? Don't put me on hold now. I have done that enough. Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Loads of love always,
It's been a while since I have simply talked to you. People pray so much to you. You must be kind of sick listening to them 24/7, right? Know what, I used to only talk to you or simply wanting to experience your existence. Somehow down the line, while we were supposedly walking together, you seem to have kind of vanished. Busy with many folks you must be. You put me with other people in your own silent style and I went on. Your beautiful creations were constant reminders of your classy taste and passion. I smiled.
You had poured into me the nectar of love and care when you passed me on to my moms womb. I grew on it and with it fortunately. You certainly didn't like it when I kept it to myself. Some relished it, most of them, I guess, but it turned some hearts cold, much to my surprise. Why does the giver feel the numbness at such times? You never prepared me for that. Let me tell you, its not easy at all. I tried to get in touch with you so much through tear mails and silence messages. You seemed to be unresponsive just like the cold hearts.
I wonder why. Is it because you are angry with me? I am not super powerful like you..OK? But you don't have to shove in your ego at me either. :-(.
I agree the damn terrorists were hanging around in all territories. All I did was use your secret weapon even at them. They did not fight. They ran away. I did mail my prayers then. I did receive acknowledgement reports. The numbness keeps hitting and hurting. You seem to be just like " there's nothing I have to do about it" types. Hey, correct me if I am wrong. Where the heck are you now? This hide and seek game is getting harder coz my heart is turning colder. Are you listening?
It's your super power that can do what's got to be done else you are going to be troubled..;-) sweet threats.. Ah..you have seen millions of them.
This is my call in a long while and its on the answering machine. Hope you listen to me now because if the nectar turns hard and sour, I might not be able to do all this again.
You are about joy isn't it? Don't put me on hold now. I have done that enough. Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Loads of love always,