Wednesday 8 June 2016


The occasion was a hawan in the brahmin household. Divine fires lit up to warm and soothe heavy hearts. There was a quaint little cry inside a woman who sat at the backyard for those four days far away from the festive noise but battling a numbing one within. Isn't the essence of Hinduism in embracing rather than displacing it with superceding superstitions?

The entire ideology of a system that was adopted to nurture the feminine biology assumed a new unfavourable avatar of the untouchable.

Untouchable enough to restrain onself from the divine's doorstep in a culture that prostrates before the revered feminine.

Spiritual science has it that certain temples aren't sufficiently equipped to counter react the negative energies that a woman might carry during her menstruating days. Thrashing rules rather than following them with a sensibility is the frustrating factor that brings many a woman to rebel against them and they become embodiments of arrogance.

On one hand the world wants logic while on the other it is still unwilling to tear open such cocoons of ignorance. Some day the quaint cry will turn into a roar that could probably scare but that would never bring down the inhuman  ideas of rock rigid and stiff minds that would burn like a fire stick merely at the sight of a welcome change.

I wish this change happens and gives birth to a million kannagis not to burn cities but to burn down the high social ridges in human minds if the intention be to reach human hearts. 


  1. Very true subha. The lackadaisical approach towards women being the sheer cause of such frustrations reaching its pinnacle where after she would vent through like a bottle of soda causing effervescence of a lifetime. Isn't this more of a negative energy? We are God's own creation by the end of it.

    1. Rightly said Sonia. We could thank our stars until the bottled up frustration doesn't shoot out as fatal bullets to the soceity. But I foresee something different. Let's see. Thanks for reading.😃
