Tuesday 29 December 2015


Muddling my cold feet into a colder ocean bed
Lying like a string on a sitar and sensing the music that flows out of me
Flying away like flakes of snow under a striking January sun
Oozing out like a rush of champagne on the split of its cork
Dripping out like honey after a labour of love
Lighting up like a flash on a sun struck mirror
Softening like warm butter on being churned up
Falling like a fruit into the hands of a gleeful child
Peeping like a diamond amidst loud crystals
Bending like the yellow in a bright rainbow
Becoming the sound of silence in a conch
Dreams are these of fleeting ecstasy
that are seen
Closed eyes and open hearts
The welcome is due for moments to rule
For dreams come true.

1 comment:

  1. Your words have the power of making the reader see what is being said...This was pure and natural and so beautiful :) a masterpiece.
