Tuesday 29 December 2015

The life learner's early lessons

Learn to value yourself if you haven't, as you will appreciate your worth when it isn't seen.

Don't get carried away by words as you may not notice the actions when you fly.

Communicate, because it's a small world and you will have to smile again. Let that be free willed.

Invest yourself in another person, not for returns, but with a trust that you will be cared for.

Attend to those ambiguities. They are far more powerful than your blind faith.

Niceness is like a boomerang. It's not a weapon to strike someone. Hurt and it hurts you back.

Love isn't a deal. If you can sense this much, allow it or just be.

Willingness is often an offspring of intense connection and desire. If sensed, it is an incredible experience.

1 comment:

  1. "Let that be free willed".... Amazing.... How do you articulate so well?! Wise, wise words from a wonderful , wonderful human being ..
