Wednesday 8 June 2016


The occasion was a hawan in the brahmin household. Divine fires lit up to warm and soothe heavy hearts. There was a quaint little cry inside a woman who sat at the backyard for those four days far away from the festive noise but battling a numbing one within. Isn't the essence of Hinduism in embracing rather than displacing it with superceding superstitions?

The entire ideology of a system that was adopted to nurture the feminine biology assumed a new unfavourable avatar of the untouchable.

Untouchable enough to restrain onself from the divine's doorstep in a culture that prostrates before the revered feminine.

Spiritual science has it that certain temples aren't sufficiently equipped to counter react the negative energies that a woman might carry during her menstruating days. Thrashing rules rather than following them with a sensibility is the frustrating factor that brings many a woman to rebel against them and they become embodiments of arrogance.

On one hand the world wants logic while on the other it is still unwilling to tear open such cocoons of ignorance. Some day the quaint cry will turn into a roar that could probably scare but that would never bring down the inhuman  ideas of rock rigid and stiff minds that would burn like a fire stick merely at the sight of a welcome change.

I wish this change happens and gives birth to a million kannagis not to burn cities but to burn down the high social ridges in human minds if the intention be to reach human hearts. 

Friday 6 May 2016

Unsaid expressions

Not every now and then do we end up questioning ourselves about certain situations. Or do we? I have listened to many people talk so deeply about their life experiences and how it altered them. Mostly, they were matters of the heart. Being the sensitive kind, it was pretty easy for me to be part of the situation. My brows have risen trying to reach the point how one specific person could be life altering or personality transformative for another. I could vouch for anything only by experience.

One fine moment, it happened. The brows now lowered down. The sinking and floating, the tearing and the conjoining, the deep and shallow, longing and distancing, the questions, doubts..all of them shoot at once and I didn't know which to face. It's like a pot getting baked. And in a while when you settle, it shows up and they call it love....Life simply letting be.

Fortunate are souls who delve into such deep connections and luckier are when two hearts strike the same chord. Expressions are withheld many a time just for the simple fact of the other heart's well being. Some mistakes are so honest that they surpass the logic of the world. Silent tears build their reservoirs and the tongue drowns. Expressions go down deep. How long? The grave invites. You either swim or dive into. Whichever way, you will be transformed. That's the subtle strength of a true heart, true love.

Breath taking are those moments of unison that are sensed on a parallel. Everything else becomes secondary. Giving gives a great feeling. Receiving must feel greater, I guess. I feel humbled for being capable enough to give but those few moments some while make me want to see the other end..receiving..
I don't know.

Thursday 5 May 2016

The leaf boat

I whistle on a gleeful tree
Swaying and giggling, merry as I wish to be.
Visitors, Crow or the cuckoo, squirrel or a sparrow
I am part of this beautiful meadow.

Lightning hits, winds blow, I shiver
The sun's warm stroke, I stop to quiver
Alone not am I as my fellows look around
Painted by moonlight I rest,
amidst silent sound.

On a radiance  sheathed river, I slowly trapeze
Gentle lifts of graceful waves melt me to ease
I row as a mermaid's friend dives, a caterpillar hops on to reach ashore
The little leaf I am and a boat too am I for some mirth more.

Wednesday 20 April 2016


Beads I gather
Some, old and wise
Like the wood antique, in faded classiness
Some fragile and glossy
Like the bubbles that froth in a brook
under the glazing sun
A few feathered ones that fly with just a silent breath
Some of those chiselled from stones so strong
And some like leaves of peepal withered after a storm
Then there are the cushiony ones
Like the buttons of a flower
Not to fail to name the ones that reflect
Like the marble eyes of a gleeful child
All of them have I
As they all skate down
the string of my life
Bequeath to whom shall I
to adorn this marvel ?
Or will it just grace my stone with my final goodbye?

Thursday 14 April 2016


Love shines like a diamond
Just the rock you see
Warmth you embrace
The flaring flame you do not see
Notes of the fine flute float, hypnotising the breeze
The flutist is unseen
The red hat amidst a swarming crowd
Blurs the popping heart of love
Blissfully elegant, the sunflower stands in pride 
in a shying crystal vase
The lights enthrall 
Grace, she is not known
Gold pennies scattered on the floor
It's the bucks that invite you to the door.
Lilies lovingly exuding their fragrance
Engrossed you are in hindering the daylight at your window
The visible strangely invisible.

Tuesday 5 April 2016


It was one of those days when the seconds hand of the disciplined clock seemed bleak as my eyeballs followed its radical movement. Tired eyes tried to sleep while racing thoughts didn't seem to give up. But you know, sometimes the night fairies get tender and you float for a while. So I did.

The morning light welcomed as I embraced with my habitual words of gratitude to the good lord, well sometimes with swollen eyes and a bulged heart. Wondered I, what is it that I need to complain about. We all start celebrating our habits after a certain length of time, complaining for example. My long breath seemed to extend longer till it once again got the rested brain ticking.

My cycle gave me one of those longing looks of desperation to appear presentable and to be pedalled upon. With a shrunk nose, I just stroked its seat and we went out. I just stopped with a jerk seeing little children ROFL on the skating ring. The smiles came out like freed prisoners. A little chit chat and I just saw what they did. To simply be there without any expectation from the moment. Giggling at just the screech of a stupid shoe or at the sight of loose hair looking as though struck by static on a chubby girl's face.

Who needs laughter clubs? One has to just go to parks or grounds with such sweetly silly and blooming buds. The hardest is made to look the simplest in this laboratory of the little tots. Because life as it began for each one of us looks intact here in this wonder world. Keep visiting.

Monday 4 April 2016


I walk down the curvy road
As I strike upon a bunch of 'you'
The fidgeting fingers of some bright brats
Make you quiver as you keep falling over each other.
Failing faith am I carrying as it falls down with every step
Glances of you I fetch as I traverse every trail
My thoughts like your twin juggling within
Knowing not how to stop
Well, you laugh but they pulsate with noise
My heart has poured it all
With just a few drops stuck on its wall
Wonder when they will fall like 'you', my dear pebbles
Happy and humble
On a dear cold soul.


Fire on the hills
Fire on the pyre
Water like nectar for a parched throat
Floods that wash away many a home
Light that infuses life into the unborn seed
Breath that blows away with a sunstroke
The dance of breeze to soothe singing souls
The wrath of wind to force through warm homes
Facets are these of the valorous time
Merciful and malevolent both the same
Sometimes loving laughter and sometimes a rising roar
Lord, be my might whenever this name of power soars..

Friday 25 March 2016


Deep kohled eyes, cherry red lips,
her heavy head crowned by a feather light satin hat,
She graced her way through a gazing crowd.
Tinkling of tiny wine goblets and the pour of golden whisky into glasses svelte,
unswerved she seemed by the alluring glaze of sinking intoxication.
Rythms of her stilletos patterned the floor
As the guitar wooed her with its glory.
Drunk was she in her own ecstasy
Of a love unknown,
Like a mystery uncared about being unravelled.
The winding ways of fake warmth that burnt many hearts
Seemed shining bright peering at handsome faces
Laughed she like a roar from heaven
Her intoxication that spread like Aladdin's magic carpet
Only fools could see the fun to hop on
And they did so and flew away.
Soon drunk were they too, not of wine,
But of magic..
that is just one of her kind.

Sunday 20 March 2016

What do I write?

I have this queer race of thoughts stumbling upon each other in my crammed head. As though it wasn't enough, the damn heart looks up with dewy eyes and the worked out head is like " what the hell does that mean? "Oh, you would never know", she sighed. One of the racers poked me to pay attention to the finishing line. But you know my thumping friend could get heavier and if I don't pay heed, my grave will be a nice air-conditioned medical room.
It seemed like an endless marathon and for a while I passed on my whistle to my kind companion. Willingly she took over as I slept in delight like melting chocolate in a crazy kid's mouth after winning a great fight.
Little did I know of the carcass I had to witness with magnified eyes after I woke up with a long yawn. The racers were crawling, creeping, screeching,  hooting and it was like I was amidst a carnival with even the traffic police joining the game. I gave one i- will- eat- you-up kind of stare at my damn companion and all she did was flicker her innocence and there I shrank like a flat balloon.
Well, I sighed and sat. There she rose and when I looked up, it was as if I was with wings on wonderland. I turned around to look at her. It was her wink and then the same blink that always makes me say, " now what?"
So, what do I write? Any idea?


I lie in front of you like a piano
waiting for you to play.
In a crowded room, there are a hundred reasons for you to sway
Svelte and sassy, there are many
I serenely look at all in gay.
Heavenly sounds of warm honeyed throats intoxicate
My humble notes looking to be lifted
As I shine quietly in a corner like someone gifted.
Magic I am if magic you want
Touch me with your heart and smile if you can't.
But never can I make you sit by my side
Only if you place your fingers on me
Will you know what I am made to be
Little do you know that in me you will see
The lamp of your heart
that will never depart.
Unmute me to listen to your symphony
Far away from all the noisy cacophony.


The raiment of a thousand lamps
that drapes the street on a dark night.
The dash of a little gold on a canvas grey
The gentle dive of the raging sunray into the ocean deep
The quick snapshots of faces with hope
as the moon captures when you walk amidst towering trees.
The aura of sweeping fire flies in a dark valley
The image of happiness on a loved one's eyes
The warmth of a kiss on a glistening tear
The shine of sweat on a medal adorned winner
The blush of the beautiful at the thump of her happy heart beat
And the gleam of your smile as you screen this
Radiance it is. Radiance you are...

Wednesday 13 January 2016

You could hide a drop. How could you hide an ocean? Sometimes all you can do is just give up.
You could walk all the miles alone. You could offer a hand but it is will  that  holds.
You could be whole. How could you present yourself in bits? The blind heart can never see. Bits or does it matter?

Monday 4 January 2016

Medals of pride

Garlands of gunshots on brave hearts
Not they wished for.
They did, for their fellow men's breath
To smell the fragrance of life,
Burning like fireflies,
For keeping the fire of warmth to light up many a home.
Cries of their beloved and little tender hearts they buried within,
And walked away to find their graves,
Without a waning wink from the nation's pride.
Threats of thundering wrath break bones, but not the springing spirit of the soul struck soldier
Triggering thirst of power the devil moves
Mightier is the mind of the men in uniform
Dare they let them reign
Pouring out pain in their hoping homes
They pour in hope into frightened souls.
Shame if our lips, their names in pride if we don't  mutter
For lives they serve their countrymen on a platter.
Jai hind!