Wednesday 30 December 2015

Do you?

I sing, I remember
I don't, I still do
I dance, I remember
I don't, I still do
I write, I remember
I don't, I still do
I paint, I remember
I don't, I still do
I walk, I remember
I don't, I still do
I laugh, I remember
I don't, I still do
I talk, I remember
I don't, I still do
I play, I remember
I don't, I still do
I sleep, I remember
I don't, I still do
I look, I remember
I don't, I still do
I think, I remember
I don't, I still do
Do you? even once?

Tuesday 29 December 2015


Muddling my cold feet into a colder ocean bed
Lying like a string on a sitar and sensing the music that flows out of me
Flying away like flakes of snow under a striking January sun
Oozing out like a rush of champagne on the split of its cork
Dripping out like honey after a labour of love
Lighting up like a flash on a sun struck mirror
Softening like warm butter on being churned up
Falling like a fruit into the hands of a gleeful child
Peeping like a diamond amidst loud crystals
Bending like the yellow in a bright rainbow
Becoming the sound of silence in a conch
Dreams are these of fleeting ecstasy
that are seen
Closed eyes and open hearts
The welcome is due for moments to rule
For dreams come true.


The Indian communities have enthralled, amused and fumed me all equally at one time. Crazy isn't it? Secularism is unconsciously overrated or is it that the conscious intelligent minds willfully overdose the term and silently take the escapism trail?

Soceity sat upon a set of rules to conserve the community but not necessarily to narrow down the space of one's grey matter. What we witness today is precisely an unfavourable outcome of the same.

Conservatism is not about staying indoors chained in fear nor is it about shielding oneself from the commotion born of casteism and religion. It is about nurturing the ability to see things sensibly and acting upon it.

Conservatism is not about canvassing morality and making a big hue and cry of it. It is about maturity and balance that could be inculcated from early years. It is about mixing the right potions for each individual.

It isn't about a dhoti-clad being labelled classy and cultured or frowning at the sight of a little black dress. It is about the aura and presence one exhibits amongst people.

It means humility, approachability and understanding. It means working within one's conscious boundaries to cross them with intellect and concern. Well, yes. I am conservative and I have no issues about it.

The life learner's early lessons

Learn to value yourself if you haven't, as you will appreciate your worth when it isn't seen.

Don't get carried away by words as you may not notice the actions when you fly.

Communicate, because it's a small world and you will have to smile again. Let that be free willed.

Invest yourself in another person, not for returns, but with a trust that you will be cared for.

Attend to those ambiguities. They are far more powerful than your blind faith.

Niceness is like a boomerang. It's not a weapon to strike someone. Hurt and it hurts you back.

Love isn't a deal. If you can sense this much, allow it or just be.

Willingness is often an offspring of intense connection and desire. If sensed, it is an incredible experience.

Monday 21 December 2015


"People are awesome....." some heart hitting music and a kickingly inspiring three minutes and thirty seconds video (to be solidly precise)  froze me there.
It isn't very seldom that I don't get a sky high feel, the moment my eyes screen through some stupendous brow raising stunts that just barge into my cell phone as forwarded videos. Following jokes even as stress busters don't truly push me to get the clock ticking for some easy lazy moments. I would rather have a hearty laugh with the kids giggling on the streets or just looking at a dog trying to catch his tail.
Passionate performances always kindle me. I guess it does that to all of us. I get compelled to look at the super abilities of these incredible humans. Their grit to be their own mentor to get that potential sky rocket gets me floored enough to get up and get going. They are all similar in the way we think of them as different. Similarity in undeterred will and opulent optimism must have never come easy to them, I suppose.
I guess it's just one slip, to think or not to think that's the LOC for us. The able humans don't think and get super while the others think and worship the superhumans.
Being human is being super. What am I and what are you? This is just the twist of a nerve ending. Let's see what it can do.
Be awestruck. Be awesome.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Moving on from a person you care about isn't like passing over a bag of chips. Well, it is, for those who eat them.

The human body functions beautifully with organs with different purposes yet the mind has issues.

Genuine hearts don't pay much attention to valuing themselves because if they did, most people cannot afford them.

When someone leaves from your life, you miss them so much that you actually forget what missing actually means.

I am fine. I am finer with you. The finest naturally happens.

Most of them misjudge expression of uneasiness for a fight . It is just a way of saying, "hey..I do care. Can you just see it?"

Wednesday 16 December 2015

The little bird

I see you at my gate every early morning
Chirping all the while as your fellow folks whistle in glee
You flutter your pretty eyes
And spread your lazy wings to scale the bright skies
I watch you gather your flock
One after the other jumping up to speak their first words of the day.
Then you hop as the svelte dancing bird graces his glory.
Your warming innocence so very welcoming
Puts my heart in place for few magical moments
Else hidden in a raiment of a forlorn pinching loss
Oh little friend! Wrong was I as I thought, frail you were
Wistful and wise are you,
Joy thy name and humility thy ways.
Chirp I shall too, with you someday..

Friday 11 December 2015

Random words. Real thoughts

The shiniest smiles camouflage the deepest scars.
The simplest words are the hardest to imbibe.
The hardest hit is always from the closest to the heart.
When you are a lot lesser of yourself, you see a lot more of joy.
No matter what happens, this life is still a blessing.
When a heart throws a fake smile, it hurts itself.
Sometimes strong, sometimes weak, the honest heart will still be at place.
Differences- the intelligent separate while the fools celebrate.
You can't be opaque if you want to see things clear.
We grow in gratitude not on grudges.
When a seed is being cast away after the fruit is tasted, it doesn't stop there.
Everything is just a word until it becomes an experience.
Keep walking. Someday, when you stop to look back, you might find some beautiful flowers staring back at you.
Sometimes silence is your own answer for many unanswered questions.

Wednesday 2 December 2015


The towering vision of the little purple flower,
The humble ant's illusion.
The deep shadow under the bright sun,
The shady tree's illusion.
The glistening portrait on soft waters,
The onlooker's illusion.
Rushing rains like sweats from tired skies,
The clouds illusion.
Swarming smoke from agitated fire,
The dead log's illusion.
Diamond dews on tiny green blades,
The early dawn's illusion.
Mellowing Music from the noble flute,
The wishful wind's illusion.
Too true to seem false or are they reality turned inside out?
Illusions they are, of the limited
Impressions they are, of what is.
Alluring or alarming, expressions they are
Of the way they are.
The way you and I are.
An illusion?

Sunday 29 November 2015

Reds and Greys

We often go through repeated cycles and if we are observant enough to see them happening, we could have a weird laugh at our actions. Every damn head thinks but isn't it incredible to know that there could be billions of degrees of thoughts?
The simplest to the complicated, breath the same yet are individually different. The sensible ones celebrate the differences while the rest separate. The charming old or the spectacular new, the bubbly brooks or the stagnant pool, an ounce of judgement can prove to be a messy leak on a classy painting. Isn't this what most of us do with people?
Here's the big deal. The greys are often looked down at with a whole lot of inhibition. The reds are glorified. If we all could look at things and people the way they are, then we would have crowded associations celebrating rather than focussed laughter sessions. We would have warmer homes than colder hearts at rehabilitation centres. We would not see sign boards of requests or fleeting messages pleading for support.
Let the green be, the yellow charm, the pink play, the blue boast, the violet woo, the grey grump, the white warm, the red reign, the black blind or the orange overwhelm. Vibrance is a collage of these and it is this harmony that adds life to LIFE..that makes me and you, US. It's about the symphony after all whether you pick a violin or a saxophone. All that matters is that you play and not just run away.
Reds or greys, do they even matter? They do when you just see them together. Why paint one? Paint them all. You will be a masterpiece.

Monday 26 October 2015


Moment to moment keeping alive,
With the constant unheard breaths I take.
Pain paused me by, to listen.
Far beyond was I, in a lamenting world of mine.
Thoughts whacking all the while
I moved as a snail holding its unseen shell of sighs.
Pushing myself one gear up with every second step
While the third pulls itself to a heavy halt.
Wondrous souls' chants ringing like temple bells
Wound my within and  gets lost when without.
The wish to see the angel's miracle and the want to turn deaf to the demon's call,
Interlocked like two serpents in unison.
Separate they don't, until under will.
I behold all as a witness to a story that unfolds itself with the next second.
Know not I the sight that waits
The breath I wish, I sense, see, feel like never before.
The miracle of oneness with the one that's lost
The glory of unspoken words when revealed
Can you drown in there?
And rise like a shooting fountain
To a destination that decides the next plunge
The fall this time, a heavenly dive and not a horrendous punch.

Sunday 30 August 2015

God, can you just get back to me asap?

Hey there,
It's been a while since I have simply talked to you. People pray so much to you. You must be kind of sick listening to them 24/7, right? Know what, I used to only talk to you or simply wanting to experience your existence. Somehow down the line, while we were supposedly walking together, you seem to have kind of vanished. Busy with many folks you must be. You put me with other people in your own silent style and I went on. Your beautiful creations were constant reminders of your classy taste and passion. I smiled.
You had poured into me the nectar of love and care when you passed me on to my moms womb. I grew on it and with it fortunately. You certainly didn't like it when I kept it to myself. Some relished it, most of them, I guess, but it turned some hearts cold, much to my surprise. Why does the giver feel the numbness at such times? You never prepared me for that. Let me tell you, its not easy at all. I tried to get in touch with you so much through tear mails and silence messages. You seemed to be unresponsive just like the cold hearts.
I wonder why. Is it because you are angry with me? I am not super powerful like you..OK? But you don't have to shove in your ego at me either. :-(.
I agree the damn terrorists were hanging around in all territories. All I did was use your secret weapon even at them. They did not fight. They ran away. I did mail my prayers then. I did receive  acknowledgement reports. The numbness keeps hitting and hurting. You seem to be just like " there's nothing I have to do about it" types. Hey, correct me if I am wrong. Where the heck are you now? This hide and seek game is getting harder coz my heart is turning colder. Are you listening?
It's your super power that can do what's got to be done else you are going to be troubled..;-) sweet threats.. have seen millions of them.
This is my call in a long while and its on the answering machine. Hope you listen to me now because if the nectar turns hard and sour, I might not be able to do all this again.
You are about joy isn't it? Don't put me on hold now. I have done that enough. Looking forward to hear from you soon.
Loads of love always,

Thursday 6 August 2015

The Martyr

Puffed with pride.
That's a quality for the present youth to imbibe.
Flowers I did not place
Candles I did not light
The fire of their bravery in my heart I did kindle
Forever will never dwindle.
The shining symbols on their raiment of pride
look humble when into the darkness of death they dive.
Not once does the tricolour pride flutter
As these men of matter never falter
Martyrs they would choose to be
than to flee or plead.
Life and death both a passion
Farsighted or focussed, its just one, the nation.

Drawn and withdrawn

Not a passage left uncrossed
In the plan of the treasure trove hunt
My shadow walked behind many a hundred signs.
Swelled with pride and stung by might
Toes did not tip as constantly awakened by sharpened eyes.
The magic of the trove often miraged 
At some weird wink or a sinking sigh
Sometimes skies shined while the sun kissed goodbye
The feet went by all these sights.
Brimmed by burning desire to plunge into the unknown
And swept away by the winds of change
I crumbled like the rock down the landslide
Only to find myself afloat a fuming tide.
It rocked me off to a gentle sleep..
Into a dream of the golden light
Drawn to it like the fireflies
And withdrawn from the rest behind.
Know I not when I will see
The golden gate whenever maybe..

Wednesday 5 August 2015


We hold on to someone's thoughts because that's the only way you can be with them..the only place where they still exist for you..the only reason why you can't let go...the only reason why you hate memories too..because memories make meaning only when you get to share with those in them..the only way is to always be there for the ones you care for...

Tuesday 28 July 2015

A kindness called Kalam

His dream vast like space
His mission, precise like the missile
Many just saw, he visioned
Few credited success stories to themselves, he was one.
When fingers raised, he held them
When smiles touched, his compassion hugged them
When stones rained, his will became weapons
When you Google for his laughter,
You will find him amidst innocent giggles
One footprint of his on the sand
And a pattern of a thousand right behind.
Failed he not once to see
If the feet of those many were still down.
When the world of the young went low
His words spread a glow
His hair may have stopped to sway to the breeze light,
His heirs of heart still burn bright.
Warmly welcomed the ill fated guest however,
Yet it doesn't matter 
he, Kalam is a kindness that lasts forever.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Strength - Strictly singular

"Stay strong, no matter what." "you are such a strong person." "Ah..this is not expected of you. You are so strong" ..and so on.. The striking similarity among all these dialogues is the singularity that's called strength, so confined to just a single person- YOU. Sometimes to such a frustrating extent that it seems so fair to the world and its people that the strong ones deserve pain just because they are the choicest ones to be choice less.

The smiles that shine the brightest are the ones that have embraced pain not because they were so ready to openly invite it, but simply that's the wisest way to handle it when imposed upon by it. These people make the finest examples possible for forlorn souls. Actually, the fact being that they almost equal the feelings of the models posing for some classic paintings. How great is that? Undoubtedly, they display an array of arched brows, but that's not it.

There is this humble thirst for easiness. To just be a plain Jane that could laugh around singing in the rain, to gaze at the stars with no propelling heaviness of thoughts in the mind or to just curve around fingers in the sand and smiling at the illusionary creations.

The strong person's heightened sensitivity is often misjudged and manipulated enough to push them to limits they are totally unaware of, when they actually want to be pulled back in love and care. And that's how they end up showing up as some superhuman enormity that gets away with inspired sighs of aweness. So unreachable! Trust me. That's not a nice feeling at all.

Sometimes when this strength is drawn after being drained out of total genuineness, it hits so much that laughter is the only best option to counter react with. The tears that operate backstage is known only to the few that stand watching upon these "strong" people.

The next time you see a shining smile that can almost blurr your eyes, just remember there is a thunderstorm being survived and hopes dying to be met. Turn around to the ones who really care for you and assure they have warm smiles from your loving hugs and words of care and not the super shiny ones born of tiring pain. The strength which then witnessed will be the unadulterated kind that can never be toxic. The singular stands tall when it finds its plural in love and respect.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

A birthday wish..

The first exchange of smiles
And the warm welcome of words,
I thought would probably be the last sweet farewell.
A cute blush you did brush on my heart with that perky smile.
Until one day, you brought it to a shine
The glimmer has not dipped as the warmth just rose
Like the instant upsurge of the tide as the full moon sighs
We are walkers of this clan,
Sharing pride and fears of the known and unknown.
Until when, neither you know nor I
As those long locks of yours leash the wind
And deep eyes open sights familiar to mine
Every step you have climbed
Has its story to scream
As I listen through your ways
It makes me stop you for a bit to say
And what better day than today
Humble as honey and reigning like a bee
May you be the sweetness to spread
Within your life and without
So much so that the divine can't resist
your wishes to fulfill as you simply insist.

Monday 27 April 2015

Operation Maitri

Looks like the 1950 Indo- Nepal treaty enters a very heartwarming reassurance of security for our Nepalese neighbours devastated by misery, with Operation Maitri. A very preplanned and organised initiative by the Indian government, this mission is not deviating from its focus to heal and warm the scarred hearts with hope while freezing the emotions of the operators.
The Indian armed forces have once again proved themselves with undeterred efforts in implementing this mission with such overwhelming dedication. Its not so much about the 40 tons of relief material, 50 tons of food, 22 tons of water, 2 tons of medicines, 10000 blankets, 1000 tents etc, but more to associate with the speedy catering to the urgency in demands in the shattered country.

Not to sound very crude, natural disasters bring in such mass harmony which mother earth is dying to look for in war compulsive conditions of this world. Probably that's the reason she decided to get awake to see and many had to die for it. When else can such an alarming response of oneness be witnessed without a second thought.

The Indian Air force has mobilised its various fleets like the C-17, C-130, ILs to name a few, together with its Eveready air warriors to arrive for rescue without a wink of hesitation as always. The pride of the these souls is often a much talked about discussion amidst an ignorant crowd which fails to feel the nerve of a man in uniform. What he has earned, he gives it back where he took it from and without a qualm. That's the spirit of the true Indian, the Indian Armed Forces stand for.

Thousands of our fellow folks from Nepal are being evacuated towards safer havens, a thousands more being bade a respectable final farewell possible and bunches of hundreds still being held by hands of love and warmth. As I see all this happening, I sit with a heart of prayer often reconciling to the magic of the human connect that never fails. Here is an outreach to the glorious Nepal to stand tall once again with its wonderful people holding on to it forever.
Operation Maitri - magically made for reality.

Wednesday 22 April 2015


Pretty face, beautiful mind
Gestures subtle and so very kind.
Your little giggle at even the burst of a humble bubble
The sluggish sigh and the lissome laugh at the sight of a puddle
Not so often do you see innocence burn in human eyes
Human hearts slowly as they ice..
I am just a wanderer who received your smile
As I go walking those miles
Even as I walk away with head bowed down
You show up screaming..ho hey...with such a happy sound.
Stay this way for such are few.
As many change faces when everything turns new.

M iss d

 With you...
I miss announcing my excitement of laying my hands on my new mobile. I miss sharing my jumping out of joy at achieving an 8 km run in one shot..something for the oh -not- so my- thing attitude of mine. I miss telling you how moved I was when I sat for the last time at my classroom table before bading farewell to folks at my best loved work place. I miss laughing with you at my dumbest act on the streets. I miss sharing those stupid jokes. I miss sending my warmest wishes on your birthday. I miss sharing the first comment I received on my poem on a notable blog site. I miss sharing the ideas that I write here. I miss saying and stating the fact that there was never a good bye.I miss the motivation this would have received the first from you. I miss not knowing that it still matters to you. Does it? I miss your presence in my life. I wish you know it dear friend that you are MISS D.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

The laws of let go..

You let me go. I came back. You are gone.

Some are loving enough to let go. Some are selfish enough to do so.

You let go of the real but hold on to the image which runs in your head.

Letting go is to exclude yourself. Letting in is all inclusive..

Thursday 5 March 2015

I am human.. I am woman

Managing the mobile on one hand, trying to stir fry some mouth watering potatoes on the stove while rushing to plant a kiss on her kid's forehead as she leaves for school...phew..the challenging multitasking handled with so much skill. This is the modern age woman. She does not shy away from what she is. Her imperfections are beautifully blunt.
It's not about feminism or women liberation that march 8 calls for, but rather an acknowledgement of the strengths that a woman needs to identify, which is shrugged off most often. It's about nurturing the spirit of this arduous yet delectable humanness that deserves an awestruck jubilation from the male folks.
Ardhanareeshwar, the lord himself is an absolute example of gender equality that represents the wholeness of the duality that exists together in harmony.
 Isnt it time to look at this in depth quality with a subtler approach rather than simply classifying women as just instigating sex symbols or doll damsels? The pride of a woman is in just seeing it and not making a huge melodrama about it.
 The fire that warms is also the one that burns. That's a woman for this world. She doesn't need any kind of stamped certification by the world to realise her potential. It's in her passive patience that this enormity lies. Gallant, gregarious and graceful...I am human..I am woman.

Thursday 26 February 2015


I created this beautiful haven in my brain
Impressions innumerable cordially existing in explicit frames.
I sprinkle a plethora of shades from the memory pot,
adding tints of tenderness with every touch.
I saw you midway as you walked along the trail,
eagerly peeping at every snippet of detail with awe.
Soft sounds, lurking giggles, little laments, together we saw,
interspersed with simmering silence seeing every cloud sail.
Seemingly aware and unaware I was, of a looming gail.
I turned around to say
You had walked away.
Stillness screamed, but I had to smile.
The gail did go and so did you.
The haven, colorful still, 
but not a trace of the grace of your shadow.
Yes.. an emptiness you left behind, forgotten to fill.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

You or Me ?

"Hey just can't go like this. What is it you think I am? Some kind of an insane and irrelevant idiot. This is it." Phone beep goes off. Dramatic ..yes it is, but very much a reality that most of us could relate to. Once blushed by the charms of childhood, the young wilderness of adolescence gets trapped in its own web, supposedly woven for comfort. The limitless possibilities of the technical era provides solace to the sorrowful soul but by being so deceitful to the vulnerable minds. As moments slowly traverse with this burden building up unconsciously, we are already amazed and overwhelmed by the myriad tantalization of vibrant youth. Moving forth with bursts of energy and spells of inertia, with the burden still unacknowledged, we get set to buckle ourselves to the impertinence of comfy settlements. This is when the flowers sing and the birds dance, quite the contrary. Smiles become sensational even at the slightest sight of a blooming bud. How incredibly stupendous! Love..the magical fairy and the mean witch..the twin at her side work much to the pleasure and plight of the burdened soul still unaware of its spiteful state. Here comes the burden with all its might. But wait. The choice of battle or surrender is still at our disposal. Whichever way you choose, all it matters is the defeat of the mean witch. Yet, all of this could have reversed with just one simple action- acknowledgement. So what would become will be.." Hey..its just not okay, you know. Its just about you and me and not you or me? So when are we talking? Just can't wait ".  Acknowledge. Appreciate. Embrace. All that you are. That's all it takes. 


Be it giggles born of those fun rides 
or the chuckles after that tickle
that create a twinkle at the corner of an eye.
With outright ease,
they tease one's majestic pride.
When satiating glee takes off from the tummy tip,
luring laughter soars high, so much,
you sigh.
Glistening drops ball up near those windows of your face,
Diamonds they outshine as they roll down in peppy pace.
Ecstasy like no other, you delve into, the depths of burning light..
with the entwining of mirthful hearts.
An experience like no other, you feel..
The resonating rythm, the magic of your own heartbeat..
The plague of pride as it leaves.

Sunday 25 January 2015

PAIN - Potential Achieved In Neglect


Why me? This should not be happening. Sounds familiar? Everyone of us have had these thoughts resonating in our minds at some point of our lives. The bouts of twinges that bothered you like nothing else, made you imagine like you are at the end of the cliff. The question is whether you took the foot forward to fall or moved back to walk in a different direction. I am not going to be talking about rising after every fall. Don't even fall. Just turn away and look at something. Inertia happens. The passive pushes of what we acknowledge as pain and feel drowned would damage your beliefs and don't resist. You will witness a cacophony of confusions that can actually make you move like crazy. This is the conception of  metamorphosis and the passing phase is nothing close to even a cake bite. But the potential that's in the making is that you would not have a clue about. And when its time, what once drowned you will drench you in a way totally to your disbelief. Moments that would literally take your breath away and instill the heightened essence of your beliefs. Do you know why? Not because the situations changed in your favor, because your pain did that. Your potential did that. Its fine to get punished by pain. Allow it to have its sense of satisfaction. Once done, show now what you have got or rather with what it gifted you - potential. Life will present itself in a very fascinating way much more incredible than a Steven Spielberg movie. That's what I call real capability. There is too much talking happening about giving up. How the hell are we supposed to understand if we don't do that?. This is not the wretched weakness but the wiser side to handling one's own limitations. So go ahead, fix yourself when you set the conditions right, in your own unique way known just to you. Cry, withdraw, scream, laugh, eat, just about anything your tendencies turn you too. You would still end up with a way. Then walk it and you will reach where you expected to be. This is when you have arrived. Welcome to life! Have a great time!